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Pastoraat aan getraumatiseerde kinders in die intensiewesorgeenheid : ’n Gestalt benadering

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dc.contributor.advisor Schoeman, J. P. Strydom, Willie Andries 2011-09-15T09:11:23Z 2011-09-15T09:11:23Z 2011-09-15
dc.identifier.citation Strydom, Willie Andries (2011) Pastoraat aan getraumatiseerde kinders in die intensiewesorgeenheid: ’n Gestalt benadering, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description.abstract In Suid-Afrika word kinders dikwels opgeneem in die Intensiewesorgeenheid na 'n traumatiese gebeurtenis. Die Kerk het die opdrag om vir hierdie kinders te sorg en wel in die vorm van pastoraat. In die praktyk ontvang kinders egter nie altyd die sorg waarop hulle geregtig is nie. Een van die faktore waarom dit nie altyd gebeur nie, is omdat daar gebruik gemaak word van 'n intervensie metode wat steun op verbale kommuniekasievaardighede. Die ses stappe van intervensienavorsing is gebruik om 'n pastorale praktykmodel in die vorm van 'n kursus te ontwikkel. Die aanvanklike praktykmodel is in gevallestudies getoets en later verfyn. Die klem van hierdie praktykmodel is die gebruik van spel as modus van intervensie vanuit 'n Gestalt benadering. Die kursus sal pastors en geestelike werkers in staat stel om effektief vir kinders te sorg. Die hoofkonsepte van die navorsing vorm die vertrekpunte van die kursus saam met praktiese oefeninge in spelterapietegnieke. af
dc.description.abstract Many children in South-Africa are admitted in the Intensive Care Unit after a traumatic event. The Church is called to care for these children in the form of pastoral care. In practise children are often neglected and do not receive the care that they are entiteld to. One of the main reasons is because pastors and religious workers use an intervention method that depends mainly on the verbal skills of the child. The six steps of intervention research was used to develop a pastoral model in the form of course. The innitial intervention model was tested in case studies and refined. The focus of this model is to use play as a mode of intervention from a Gestalt approach. The course will enable pastors and religious workers to care for children more effectively. The main concepts of the research forms the basis of this model with practical excercises.
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xxi, 241 leaves)
dc.language.iso af en
dc.subject Play therapy en
dc.subject Pastoral care en
dc.subject Intensive Care Unit en
dc.subject Gestalt therapy en
dc.subject Trauma en
dc.subject Pastor en
dc.subject Religious worker en
dc.subject Primary school children en
dc.subject Church en
dc.subject Intervention en
dc.subject.ddc 253.520968
dc.subject.lcsh Gestalt therapy -- Children -- South Africa
dc.subject.lcsh Gestalt therapy -- South Africa -- Religious aspects
dc.subject.lcsh Play therapy -- Children -- Pastoral counseling of
dc.subject.lcsh Play therapy -- South Africa -- Religious aspects
dc.subject.lcsh Pediatric emergencies -- South Africa -- Psychological aspects
dc.subject.lcsh Psychic trauma in children -- South Africa -- Psychological aspects
dc.title Pastoraat aan getraumatiseerde kinders in die intensiewesorgeenheid : ’n Gestalt benadering af
dc.title.alternative Pastoral care to traumatised children in the intensive care unit : a Gestalt approach
dc.type Thesis en
dc.description.department Social Work D. Diac. (Spelterapie)

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