School of Computing: Recent submissions

  • Mncube, SS (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1996)
    The rapid technological growth in our time has produced an explosion of information. This, in tum, has spawned information systems based on the use of computers and automated systems. These mechanised devices with their ...
  • Warren, PR; Viljoen, M (1998)
    This work reports on 23 third year student' s projects in which the user interfaces (UI) were found wanting. We show in which ways we regard the UI to be in error. However, an examination of the available literature on UI ...
  • Mueller, CSM (1987)
    A novel way of programming, which starts with specific details of a particular example and abstracts these details into generalised sets, is proposed. The whole program is constructed around the definition of these sets. ...
  • Laauwen, B (1996)
    It has become clear that today's complex society of specialised individuals has a need for problem solving techniques using an integrated and interdisciplinary approach. The popularity of business re-engineering beliefs ...
  • Mulders, MA; Serwy, DA; Van Biljon, WR (1987)
    An implementation of a Graham-Glanville type pattern-matching code generator for the NRIMS systems programming language SCRAP is discussed. The simple heuristic algorithm on which the pattern matcher is based is presented ...
  • Britz, K (2001)
    In formal logic, both semantic entailment and the conditional connective are used to formalize the intuitive notion of implication. The former is defined in the meta-language of the logic, and the latter in the language ...
  • Pretorius, L; Bosch, SE (2001)
    Morphological analysis is a basic enabling application for further kinds of natural lan guage processing, including part-of-speech tagging, parsing, translation and other high-level applications. Automated morphological ...
  • Carson, DI; Oellermann, OR (1991)
    In this paper we discuss the problem of finding an upper bound on the genus of a graph. This problem has applications to circuit layouts. An electronic circuit may be modelled by a graph. By punching holes into the circuit ...
  • Streicher, M; Wesson, JL; Calitz, A (2001)
    During the last ten years, a number of computerised testing systems have been developed without considering the users' level of computer proficiency. Students at the University of Port Elizabeth come from a diverse background, ...
  • Machanick, P (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1999)
  • Brink, C (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1997)
  • Jones, MR (South African Computer Society (SAICSIT), 1995)
    Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is currently attracting much attention as an approach to organisational change, but has received relatively little critical scrutiny. This paper seeks to examine the origins, antecedents ...
  • Sanders, I (1998)
    In an earlier paper the notion of a ray guard --'- a guard that can only see along a single ray, was introduced. The ray guarding problem is in siting the fewest possible such guards so that they guard all adjacencies ...
  • Hattingh, JM (2000)
    In general response surface analysis refers to the modeling of experimental or observational data. Computer technology and graphical techniques obviously play a significant role in the representations of these models. A ...
  • Smith, DC (1998)
    Projects, and their success, are vital if organisations are to produce new products and services. The key players in IS projects are the project manager and the project team. This paper discussed ongoing research of two ...
  • Von Solms, R (1996)
    Information security has moved a long way from the early days when physical security, together with a set of backups, fonned the backbone of a company's security controls. Today, infonnation security is all about policies, ...
  • Vahed, A; Cloete, I (1996)
    Current research in modular neural networks (MNNs) have essentially two aims; to model systematic methods for constructing neural networks of high complexity and secondly, to provide building blocks for hybrid symbolic- ...
  • Scott, TG; Hattingh, JM; Steyn, T (1996)
    The simplex method is one way of solving a linear programming problem (LP-problem). The simplex method needs a basic feasible solution to start the solution process. This requires an available non-singular basis. Normally ...
  • Redelinghuys, M; Steenkamp, AL (1996)
    The research is conducted in the area of software methodologies with the emphasis on the integration of legacy systems with client/server environments. The investigation starts with identifying the characteristics of legacy ...
  • Kritzinger, PS (1987)
    Performance analyses of data communication systems do not always rely on a detailed analysis of the underlying protocols. Those analyses which do, usually rely on an analysis of the protocol state transition graph. These ...

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