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A Missiological Approach to Migration and Mission in the Apostolic Faith Mission International Ministry in the United Kingdom: a Pneumatological Missional Imagination

Show simple item record kgatle, mookgo solomon 2025-01-30T08:38:40Z 2025-01-30T08:38:40Z 2024-12-11
dc.identifier.citation Kgatle, M.S., 2024, A Missiological Approach to Migration and Mission in the Apostolic Faith Mission International Ministry in the United Kingdom: a Pneumatological Missional Imagination, ecclessial futures, 5(2), 23-38 en
dc.description.abstract The intersections of migration and mission have been studied in past, but little has been developed regarding theoretical frameworks for approaching the subject from the discipline of missiology. This calls for the development of a framework that will assist in the missiological approach to migration and mission. The current study reflects on the current missiological approaches to migration and mission to identify the existing gaps such as relevance to Pentecostalism. To fill the gaps, this article brings together three theories of pneumatological imagination, missiological spirit and missional imagination to develop a pneumatological missional imagination. The findings are that a pneumatological missional imagination is relevant for dealing with some of the challenges in migration and mission in Pentecostalism such as an inability to minister relevantly to the host countries, cultural differences, and orientation to the mission of God. These challenges are outlined by using the Apostolic Faith Mission Ministry International in the United Kingdom (AFMIMUK) as a case study. The pneumatological missional imagination is relevant for witnessing to others, speaking foreign languages, and orientation to the mission of God. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher MDPI en
dc.subject Missiology en
dc.subject Migration en
dc.subject Mission en
dc.subject Pentecostalism en
dc.subject Pneumatological imagination en
dc.subject Missional imagination en
dc.subject Missiological spirit en
dc.subject Apostolic Faith Mission International Ministry in the United Kingdom (AFMIMUK) en
dc.title A Missiological Approach to Migration and Mission in the Apostolic Faith Mission International Ministry in the United Kingdom: a Pneumatological Missional Imagination en
dc.type Article en
dc.description.department Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology en

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