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Towards Holistic Healing: A Pentecostal Ecotheological Perspective

Show simple item record kgatle, mookgo solomon 2025-01-30T07:05:10Z 2025-01-30T07:05:10Z 2024-12-05
dc.identifier.citation Kgatle, Mookgo Solomon, and Joshua Chigorimbo. 2024. Towards Holistic Healing: A Pentecostal Ecotheological Perspective. Religions 15: 1479. en
dc.description.abstract Pentecostal ecotheology presents a holistic approach to healing that recognises the inherent worth of all creation and the interconnectedness of human and nonhuman creation. It draws on the Pentecostal full gospel and the experiences of biblical Pentecost to inspire an expansive pneumatology that transcends an anthropocentric soteriology and views the entire cosmos as the altar where human and nonhuman creation can tarry for and experience the sacred presence, power, and conviction of the Holy Spirit with a sense of eschatological urgency such that (inter alia) repentance from ecological transgression becomes normative. This framework envisions all of creation participating in the Spirit’s presence, power, gifting, and renewal. Leveraging Pentecostal ecotheology for holistic healing involves intentionally engaging, replicating, and contextualising the pneumatological experiences of the biblical Pentecost. It also involves embracing the pneumatological continuity between us and the biblical charismatic communities, enabling us to administer healing in contemporary environmental contexts through the Spirit’s anointing. Engaging in ecotheological intercession, overcoming the creational desacralisation that leads to the mechanistic exploitation of creation, and adopting a Spirit-born sense of solidarity with creation are further essential strategies for leveraging Pentecostal ecotheology for holistic healing. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher MDPI en
dc.subject Pentecostal ecotheology en
dc.subject Holistic healing en
dc.subject Full gospel en
dc.subject Pneumatology en
dc.subject Environmental en
dc.subject Creation en
dc.subject Holy Spirit en
dc.subject Eschatology en
dc.subject Mission en
dc.title Towards Holistic Healing: A Pentecostal Ecotheological Perspective en
dc.type Article en
dc.description.department Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology en

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