The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that contribute to the low uptake of isoniazid preventive therapy amongst health care workers (HCWs) in a hospital of Manzini region, Swaziland. A quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional research design was used as the researcher aimed at getting precise measurements, quantification and generalizable results (Polit & Beck 2017:163). Two hundred and one (201) health care workers responded and completed the questionnaires faithfully, and then the researcher gathered the results, compiled the study, assigned numerical values to variables, and specified how the variables were measured. The research site was a hospital of Manzini region, Swaziland. The dependent variables were the factors that contribute to the low uptake of isoniazid preventive treatment (IPT) and the independent variables were the selected respondents who were working in medical wards and outpatient departments and have worked there for more than a year.
Data Analysis
The researcher was available to clarify any misunderstanding. Data coding was used, to organize the data collected. It was entered into Microsoft Excel 2014 and then imported to Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) v24.0 for statistical analysis. Tables and graphs were used to present the collected data.
Study Results
The results of the study suggest that health care workers generally do not support the implementation of IPT on them as a preventative measure against TB. The results further suggest that the long period of taking Isoniazid as compared to the limited durability of IPT benefit of 2-3 years is a major deterrent factor to HCWs taking IPT. Lastly, the results indicate that knowledge is not as great a determinant factor to IPT uptake as previously posited in other studies, and that most HCWs support the provision of alternative prevention methods such ventilation of spaces and wearing of masks. This illustrates that the topic of the factors contributing to the low uptake of IPT amongst health care workers is a worthwhile topic for further research.
Inhloso yalolucwaningo kucacisa tigci letingumtselela ekunatseni kancane emaphilisi i-isiniazid emkhatsini wetisebenti tasesibhedlela, esifundzeni saka Manzini, Swaziland. Kusetjentiswe I quantitative descriptive, cross sectional kulelicwaningo ngoba umbhali bekafuna kuvisisa tizatfu, nekubala kutsi tiyini tizatfu letibanga lokunatsa ngelizinga leliphansi kwe IPT.
Tisebenti temphilo letingu 201, taphendvula phindze bagcwalisa imibuto yalolucwaningo ngekwetsembeka. Umcwaningi wabese ugcogca lemuphumela wayihlanganisa wabeka ngemanani etinombolo letigucugucukako futsi wacacisa kutsi lolokugucugucukako kukalwa kanjani.
Lolucwaningo lwentiwa esibhedlela saka Manzini Swaziland. Kuhluka lokucikile sici lesinemtselela ekutsatfweni kancane kwe IPT futsi lokugucugucukayo lokutimele kwakungulabaphendvuli labakhetsiwe lasebasebente iminyaka lengetulu kwemunyaka munye emagumbini ebantfu lakungatfolakala khona I TB.
Luhlatiyo Lwelucwaningo
Imiphumela yelucwaningo ikhombakalisa kutsi tisebenti temphilo atilusekeli ngalokuphelele kunatfwa kwemaphilisi ekuvikela sifuba sengati.Lelicwaningo liphindze kwente tisebenti temphilo tidzebesele kunatsa lamaphilisi kutsi anatfwa sikhatsi lesindze kani avikelana iminyaka lemibilikuya kulemitsatfu.
Kwekugcina lemiphumela ikhombise kutsi lolwati labanalo ngaleliphilisi lwenta bangalijabuleli ngoba bati imivukela yawo, nekutsi ngeke bakhone lokunatsa betsembeke kulamaphilisi. Kungaleso sizatfu ke bona banconota kutsi bativikele ngaletinye tindlela lokufaka ekhatsi kuvula emafasitelo nekufaka sifonyo sonkhe sikhatsi. Lokusho kutsi kusadzingeka kufundzisa lokunengi neku
Imiphumela yalelicwaningo
Lolucwaningo lutofaka sandla ehlalakahleni yema HCWs kanye nemibono yabo mayelana nekuvikela sifuba sengati. Lolucwaningo lutobhekana netintfo letibalulekile letinemtselela ekutsatfweni kancane kwe –IPT. Lomphumela utophindze usite hulumende welive kutsi ngumiphi leminye imitamo lengentiwa kusita lokunatfwa kwe IPT, etisebentini tesibhedlela, kute wonkhe muntfu atotisakala phindze atfole inzuzo lenhle ngalomkhankhaso wemaphilisi. Utophindze ufake sandla emnyangweni kutsi bangawathuthukisa kanjani emasu abo ekuvimbela i-TB.