Theses and Dissertations (Physics): Recent submissions

  • High, Grant Lysle (1998-08)
    This study is presented in nine chapters as follows: Chapter one reviews the reported literature on the NMR of natural diamond. The NMR signal of diamond consists on a single line at 39 ppm from TMS and two hyperfine ...
  • Kabongo, Guy Leba (2013-11)
    Un-doped, Tb3+ as well as Yb3+ doped ZnO nanocrystals with different concentrations of RE3+ (Tb3+, Yb3+) ions were successfully synthesized via sol-gel method to produce rare earth activated zinc oxide nanophosphors. The ...
  • Aboagye, Isaac Baohene (2012)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an active learning approach (ALA) on the achievement of 11 th grade learners in Newton’s laws of motion, The case study was done in one school by comparing the ...
  • Mukeru, Bahati (2012-03)
    In this work we calculate the binding energies and root-mean-square radii for A−body nuclear bound state systems, where A ≥ 3. To study three−body systems, we employ the three−dimensional differential Faddeev equations ...
  • Nkuna, John Solly (2012-06)
    A two-dimensional integrodi erential equation resulting from the use of potential harmonics expansion in the many-body Schr odinger equation is used to study ground-state properties of selected few-body nuclear systems. ...
  • Benecha, Evans Moseti (2011-11)
    Magnetic ordering of dopants in diamond holds the prospect of exploiting diamond’s unique properties in the emerging field of spintronics. Several transition metal defects have been reported to order ferromagnetically ...
  • Mupezeni, Sure (2012-02)
    This study focuses on challenges and prospects of the teaching of the Doppler Effect to grade 12 learners. The challenges of teaching the Doppler Effect were established and these findings influenced the development of ...
  • Prozesky, Andri (2011-05)
    The atomic physics relevant to gaseous nebulae is critically examined using modelling software with particular emphasis on radio recombination lines (RRLs). The theoretical spectral line intensities can be deduced if we ...
  • Rampho, Gaotsiwe Joel (2010-11)
    Electromagnetic processes induced by electron scattering off few-nucleon systems are theoretically investigated in the non-relativistic formalism. Non-relativistic one-body nuclear current operators are used with a ...
  • De Villiers, Jean Schepers (2009-11)
    The problem of fitting a material property of the earth to a certain model by analysing a returned seismic signal is investigated here. Analysis proceeds with methods taken from the theory of inverse problems. Seismic ...
  • Cilliers, Johanna Albertha (1999-11)
    Although the merits of practical work in physics are often questioned, it remains part of physics curricula world-wide. In distance education the incorporation of practical work into the curriculum is considerably ...
  • Grobler, Jonathan (2009-11)
    The double hypernuclear systems are studied within the context of the hyperspherical approach. Possible bound states of these systems are sought as zeros of the corresponding three-body Jost function in the complex ...
  • Khwanda, Mphiriseni Norman (2009-07)
    The aim of this study was firstly to evaluate the impact of two interactive-engagement models of instruction, namely Whole Class Discussions (WCD) and Computer Simulations (CS) on first year physics student-teachers’ ...
  • Joseph, Sithole Makgamathe (2009-08-25)
    This work is aimed at the understanding of the dynamical behavior of hydrogen in diamond. The investigation was carried out using Transverse Field muon Spin Rotation (TF-SR) and the Longitudinal Field muon Spin Relaxation ...
  • De Witt, Aletha (2009-08-25)
    1720 MHz OH masers have been detected towards a number of supernova remnants (SNRs) at the shock interface where the SNR slams into the interstellar medium. Models indicate that these masers are shock excited and can only ...
  • Masita, Dithlase Frans (2006-11-30)
    Bound state systems consisting of three nonrelativistic particles are numerically studied. Calculations are performed employing two-body and three-body forces as input in the Hamiltonian in order to study the role or ...
  • Mabuza, Boy Raymond (2009-08-25)
    We are concerned with the quantum inverse scattering problem. The corresponding Marchenko integral equation is solved by using the collocation method together with piece-wise polynomials, namely, Hermite splines. The ...
  • De Villiers, Jean Schepers (2009-08-25)
    The long-standing problem of possible formation of metastable states in collisions of the eta-meson with atomic nuclei is revisited. The two-body eta-nucleon interaction is described by a local potential, which is ...
  • Ogunbade, Olusegun G. (2009-08-25)
    Radioactive decay of nuclei via emission of ??-particles is studied using three different theoretical approaches, viz: the quasi-bound state wavefunction approach (QSWA), the superasymmetric ??ssion model (SAFM) and the ...
  • Lekala, Mantile Leslie (2009-08-25)
    The three-body bound state problem is considered using configuration-space Faddeev equations within the framework of the total-angular-momentum representation. Different three-body systems are considered, the main concern ...

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