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Model of counsellors leadership and emotional intelligence as predictors of students' social and emotional learning outcomes

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dc.contributor.advisor Martins, Nico
dc.contributor.advisor Ledimo, Ophillia Tengey, Juliet Edwina Yayra 2021-10-07T11:02:57Z 2021-10-07T11:02:57Z 2021-10
dc.description Abstracts in English, Zulu and Southern Sotho
dc.description.abstract Students will complete school and shortly thereafter take up work roles in organisations. Research indicates that secondary school students do not necessarily complete school with the needed and necessary social and emotional skills to be successful and fruitful in work and in life. The main aim of this study was to create a model of counsellors’ leadership and emotional intelligence as predictors of students’ social and emotional learning outcomes. This model will help educational institutions, particularly senior high schools, and organisational psychologists to better understand the interrelatedness of the three constructs in order to optimally advance counsellors’ and educational leaders’ emotional intelligence and students’ social and emotional learning competencies. This study was conducted in five senior high schools in the Greater Accra region of Ghana, utilising a sample of 800 level-three (SHS 3) students. In this study, emotional intelligence was conceptualised based on Goleman’s (1995) theory of emotional intelligence and Wong and Law’s (2011) education and skills model, leadership as viewed by transformational leadership theory, and social and emotional learning from the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning’s (CASEL) five social and emotional learning competencies framework. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was employed in an empirical study to develop the model of counsellors’ leadership and emotional xxiii intelligence as predictors of students’ social and emotional learning outcomes. The model showed that there was a statistically significant relationship between counsellors’ emotional intelligence and counsellors’ transformational leadership and students’ social and emotional learning competencies. In addition, there was a positive and significant relationship present between counsellors’ transformational leadership and students’ social and emotional learning competencies. Furthermore, counsellors’ transformational leadership was found to partially mediate the relationship between counsellors’ emotional intelligence and students’ social and emotional learning competencies. The model fit indices were all found to be within acceptable limits. The results further indicate that significant differences did not exist between students’ biographical factors and the dimensions of the social and emotional learning competencies apart from age. This research contributes towards a broad and comprehensive understanding of the relationships among emotional intelligence, leadership and social and emotional learning. The newly developed model and recommendations based on the findings of the empirical research will contribute to the body of knowledge in the areas of emotional intelligence, leadership and social and emotional learning in secondary schools. They will also, to a great extent, help in predicting social and emotional learning competencies in students in senior high schools. They may also guide researchers and practitioners in other institutions to improve current organisational and institutional interventions. en
dc.description.abstract Abafundi baqede isikole futhi kungekudala ngemuva kwalokho bathathe izindima zomsebenzi ezinhlanganweni. Ucwaningo lukhombisa ukuthi abafundi bezikole zamabanga aphakeme abaqedi isikole ngamakhono adingekayo futhi adingekayo kwezenhlalo nomuzwa womphefumulo ukuze baphumelele futhi bathele izithelo emsebenzini nasempilweni. Inhloso enkulu yalolu cwaningo kwakungukudala imodeli yobuholi babeluleki nobuhlakani ngokomphefumulo, njengababikeli bemiphumela yokufunda yabafundi kwezenhlalo kanye nemizwa yomphefumulo. Le modeli izosiza izikhungo zemfundo, ikakhulukazi izikole zamabanga aphakeme, kanye namasayikholoji ezinhlangano zokusebenza ukuze zikuqonde kangcono ukuhlangana kwalezi zakhiwo ezintathu ukuze kuthuthukiswe kahle ubuhlakani bezemizwa ngokomphefumulo yabeluleki nabezemfundo kanye namakhono abafundi okufunda kwezenhlalo nangokwemizwa yomphefumulo. Lolu cwaningo lwenziwe ezikoleni eziphakeme ezinhlanu esifundeni iGreater Accra eGhana, kusetshenziswa isampula labafundi abangama-800 ezingeni le-3. Kulolu cwaningo, ubuhlakani obungokwemizwa yomphefumulo babucatshangwa kususelwa kumqondo kaGoleman (1995) wokuhlakanipha ngokwemizwa yomphefumulo kanye nemodeli yezemfundo namakhono kaWong noMthetho (2011); ubuholi bubhekwa ngokulandela umbono wenguquko wobuholi obuguqukayo; nokufunda kwezenhlalo nangokwemiza yezomphefumulo kwahlolwa kusetshenziswa uhlaka lwamakhono wokufunda kwezenhlalo nangokwemizwa yomphefumulo oluhlanganyelwe lweCollaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning's (CASEL). Ukumodeliswa kokulinganisa okuyisikwele okuyingxenye encane (i-PLS-SEM) kwaqashwa ocwaningweni olunamandla ukuze kuthuthukiswe imodeli yobuholi babeluleki nobuhlakani obungokwemizwa yomphefumulo, njengabaqageli bemiphumela yokufunda yabafundi yezenhlalo nemizwa yomphefumulo. Imodeli ikhombisile ukuthi kunobudlelwano obubalulekile ngokwezibalo phakathi kobuhlakani bemizwa yabeluleki nobuholi bezinguquko kanye nekhono labafundi lokufunda kwezenhlalo nangokwemizwa yimphefumulo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kwakukhona ubudlelwano obuhle nobubalulekile obabukhona phakathi kobuholi bezinguquko kanye namakhono abafundi okufunda kwezenhlalo nangokwemizwa yemphefumulo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, abeluleki bezinguquko zabeluleki batholwa ukuthi buxhumanisa kancane ubudlelwano phakathi kobuhlakani bemizwa yabeluleki kanye nekhono labafundi lokufunda kwezenhlalo nangokwemizwa yomphefumulo. Izinkomba zokulinganisa imodeli konke kutholakale ukuthi kunemikhawulo eyamukelekayo. Imiphumela iqhubeka ikhombisa ukuthi umehluko omkhulu ubungekho phakathi kwezici zomlando womfundi nobukhulu bamakhono okufunda kwezenhlalo nangokwemizwa yomphefumulo, ngaphandle kweminyaka. Lolu cwaningo lufaka isandla ekuqondeni okubanzi nokuqondakalayo kobudlelwano phakathi kobuhlakani bezemizwa yomphefumulo, ubuholi kanye nokufunda kwezenhlalo nangokwemizwa yomphefumulo. Imodeli nezincomo ezisanda kuthuthukiswa, ngokususelwe kokutholakele ocwaningweni lwezobuciko, kuzoba nomthelela kokuqukethwe kwolwazi ezindaweni zobuhlakani bezemizwa yomphefumulo, ubuholi kanye nokufunda kwezenhlalo nangokwemizwa yomphefumulo ezikoleni zamabanga aphakeme. Bazosiza futhi, ngezinga elikhulu ukubikezela ngamakhono okufunda kwezenhlalo nangokwemizwa yomphefumulo kubafundi basezikoleni zamazinga aphakeme. Bangabuye baqondise abacwaningi nabasebenza kwezinye izikhungo ukwenza ngcono ukungenelela kwamanje kwenhlangano zabasebenzi nabe zikhungo. zu
dc.description.abstract Baithuti ba tla qeta sekolong mme nakwana kamora moo ba qale mesebetsi mekgatlong. Patlisiso e supa hore baithuti ba dikolo tse mahareng ha ba qete sekolo ka bokgoni bo hlokahalang ba phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo hore ba atlehe le ho ba le molemo mosebetsing le bophelong. Sepheo sa mantlha sa phuputso ena e ne e le ho theha mohlala wa boetapele ba baeletsi le bohlale ba maikutlo, e le dikgakanyo tsa diphetho tsa thuto ya phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo. Mohlala ona o tla thusa ditheo tsa thuto, haholo-holo dikolo tse phahameng(di-SHS), le ditsebi tsa thuto ya kelello tsa mekgatlo ho utlwisisa habetere kamano e kopaneng ya dikgaho tse tharo molemong wa ho ntshetsa pele bohlale ba maikutlo ba baeletsi le ba baetapele ba thuto le bokgoni ba baithuti ba ho ithuta phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo. Phuputso ena e entswe dikolong tse phahameng tse hlano sebakeng sa Greater Accra naheng ya Ghana, ho sebediswa sampole ya baithuti ba 800 ba boemo ba 3 (SHS 3). Phuputsong ena, bohlale ba maikutlo bo ile ba nahanwa ho ipapisitswe le kgopolo ya Goleman (1995) ya bohlale ba maikutlo le mmotlolo wa thuto le bokgoni wa Wong le Law (2011); boetapele bo tadingwa ka ho latela mohopolo wa boetapele wa phetoho; mme thuto ya phedisano le maikutlo e ile ya hlahlojwa ho sebediswa moralo wa bokgoni o arotsweng ka dikarolo tse hlano tsa thuto ya phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo wa Kopano ya Thuto, Thuto ya Phedisano le Taolo ya Maikutlo (CASEL). Mmotlolo wa tekanyo wa dibopeho tsa disekwere tse arotsweng ka ho lekana (PLS-SEM) o sebeditswe phuputsong e matla ho ntlafatsa mmotlolo wa boetapele ba baeletsi le bohlale ba maikutlo, e le dikgakanyo tsa diphetho tsa ho ithuta ha phedisano hwa baithuti le taolo ya maikutlo. Mmotlolo o bontshitse hore ho na le kamano ya dipalo-palo pakeng tsa bohlale ba maikutlo ba baeletsi le boetapele ba phetoho le boiphihlelo ba baithuti ba ho ithuta phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo. Ntle le moo, ho na le kamano e hantle le ya bohlokwa e neng e le teng dipakeng tsa boetapele ba phetoho le boiphihlelo ba baithuti ba ho ithuta phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo. Ho feta moo, boetapele ba phetoho ya baeletsi bo fumanwe bo kena dipakeng tsa kamano dipakeng tsa bohlale ba maikutlo ba baeletsi le boiphihlelo ba baithuti ba ho ithuta phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo. Dipontsho tsa ho lekana ha mmotlolo kaofela di fumanwe di le kahara meedi e amohelehang. Diphetho di boetse di bontsha hore diphapano tse kgolo di ne di le siyo pakeng tsa dintlha tsa maphelo a baithuti le ditekanyo tsa bokgoni ba ho ithuta phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo, ntle le dilemo. Patlisiso ena e kenya letsoho kutlwisisong e pharalletseng le e phethahetseng ya dikamano dipakeng tsa bohlale ba maikutlo, boetapele le ho ithuta phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo. Mmotlolo le dikgothaletso tse sa tswa ntlafatswa, tse ipapisitseng le diphumano tsa patlisiso ya matla, di tla kenya letsoho sehlopheng sa ditsebo dibakeng tsa bohlale ba maikutlo, boetapele le thuto ya phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo dikolong tse phahameng. Hape, di tla thusa haholo ho hakanyetsa bokgoni ba ho ithuta phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo ho baithuti ba dikolong tse phahameng. Di kanna tsa tataisa bafuputsi le ditsebi ditheong tse ding ho ntlafatsa ho kena dipakeng ha hajwale ha mekgatlo le ditheo. Bohlale ba maikutlo, dimmotlolo tsa bohlale ba maikutlo, boetapele, boetapele ba phetoho, ho ithuta phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo, bokgoni ba ho ithuta setjhabeng le maikutlong, CASEL, baeletsi ba dikolo, diteko tsa sebopeho sa tekano ya mehlala (PLS-SEM), dikolo tse phahameng tsa Ghana. sso
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xxix, 384 leaves) en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject Emotional intelligence en
dc.subject Emotional intelligence models en
dc.subject Leadership en
dc.subject Transformational leadership en
dc.subject Social and emotional learning en
dc.subject Social and emotional learning competencies en
dc.subject CASEL en
dc.subject School counsellors en
dc.subject Structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) testing en
dc.subject Senior high schools in Ghana en
dc.subject Ubuhlakani ngokwemiza yomphefumulo zu
dc.subject Amamodeli wobuhlakani ngokwemizwa yomphefumulo zu
dc.subject Ubuholi zu
dc.subject Ubuholi obuguqukayo zu
dc.subject Ukufunda kwezenhlalo nangokwemizwa yomphefumulo zu
dc.subject Amakhono okufunda kwezenhlalo nangokwemizwa yemphefumulo zu
dc.subject i-CASEL zu
dc.subject Abeluleki bezikole zu
dc.subject Ukuhlolwa kwesakhiwo sokulinganisa (PLS-SEM) zu
dc.subject Izikole eziphakeme eGhana zu
dc.subject Bohlale ba maikutlo sso
dc.subject Dimmotlolo tsa bohlale ba maikutlo sso
dc.subject Boetapele sso
dc.subject Boetapele ba phetoho sso
dc.subject Ho ithuta phedisano le taolo ya maikutlo sso
dc.subject Bokgoni ba ho ithuta setjhabeng le maikutlong sso
dc.subject CASEL en
dc.subject Baeletsi ba dikolo sso
dc.subject Diteko tsa sebopeho sa tekano ya mehlala (PLS-SEM) sso
dc.subject Dikolo tse phahameng tsa Ghana sso
dc.subject.ddc 373.18019
dc.subject.lcsh Emotional intelligence -- Study and teaching (Secondary) en
dc.subject.lcsh Educational leadership -- Study and teaching en
dc.subject.lcsh Students -- Psychology en
dc.title Model of counsellors leadership and emotional intelligence as predictors of students' social and emotional learning outcomes en
dc.type Thesis en
dc.description.department Industrial and Organisational Psychology en D. Phil. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology) en

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