In current database systems the responsibility for enforcing security is often given to the various application programs. Even where the Database Management System (DBMS) does supply security mechanisms, a single application ...
CommunIcations networks with sporadically available links pose particular problems
in terms of delay analysis. This paper presents an approach to determining the effectiveness of various routing strategies when applied ...
Parallel simulation, if it is to become a mainstream technology, must become reasonably accessible to programmer s without unusual skills. Since low-cost shared memory machines are becoming an increasing possibility a ...
An object-orientated framework for the design of distributed virtual memory consistency is presented. It is shown that custom designed protocols for different types of applications are easy to construct and use within this ...
The MultiServer centre with Hierarchical Concurrency Constraints
(MSHCC) is an exponential multiserver with a queueing discipline which imposes restrictions on the number of customers of different types and subtypes that ...
A kernel has been developed which can be used to simplify the development of control software. It can be used to control several physical machines which are interconnected via a fast local area network. One or more virtual ...
Numerous concurrency control methods have been proposed for distributed databases. Various criteria are used to compare these methods. The comparisons range from qualitative overviews through quantitative analyses ...
This paper discusses a protocol validation system. The input to the system is a protocol definition specified in the specification language ESTELLE. The ESTELLE specification is the input to a translator program which ...
The difficulties encountered by users without experience of the use of multiple databases are described, as well as an approach which allow such users to make worthwhile use of these systems, encompassing potentially ...
We propose a mathematical model of a database with incomplete information, which we call the N-system. Basically speaking, such a system stores information concerning properties of some objects. The information may be ...
Difference equation methods are used to develop redundant (n-version) programs required for high reliability computing systems. The n-version programs are developed by exploiting the iterative nature of real time software.
The ...
The programming requirements of the Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) community have led to the creation of tools to aid the software development process. One such tool is the programming environment. ...
After identifying the processing functions required in a computer based information system, the designer needs to combine them into an optimal se t of load un its. Some “packaging” arrangements yield a better system than ...
A Multidass Queueing Network (MQN) Q ( N, .M ) consisting of M centres
with index set .M and population vector N is partitioned into two subnetworks
Q ( fJ -V , .M -1) ) and Q (V , V ) . The centres in Q (V , · V ) are ...
In a process control environment, batch processes, as opposed to continuous processes, are characterised by multi-product manufacturing lines producing relatively small quantities which often involves frequent product ...
We discuss the implementation of Rhoda, our Linda-like Tuple Space server which runs under the Helios operating system. The approach analyses and partitions tuple space at compile time in order to reduce the run time ...
In conventional systems, transaction management has been thoroughly investigated and is
now considered to be well understood. Transaction management in multidatabase systems,
however, is less well understood. A multidatabase ...
This paper presents a formal technique for enforcing deterministic execution in Petri nets, and proceeds to demonstrate how the resultant topology may be used to enforce partial sequencing so that various ...
The current generation of widely-used, multi-user, general-purpose operating systems have evolved from versions that were designed when many of the issues that are important today were unimportant or not even thought of. ...