Institutional Repository

South African Computer Journal 1991(5)

South African Computer Journal 1991(5)


Recent Submissions

  • Wessels, LFA; Barnard, E; Van Rooyen, E (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    The training of neural-net classifiers is often hampered by the occurrence of local minima, which results in the attainment of inferior classification performance. We study the problem of local minima in order to devise ...
  • Von Solms, S.H.; Ehlers, E.M.; Enslin, DJ (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    In this paper, formal grammars, specifically random context grammars, are used as a vehicle for knowledge representation in expert systems. Random context grammars and the manner in which they are used to represent knowledge ...
  • Smith, THC; Meyer, TWS; Leenen, L (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    The continuous 2-matching problem {RMP2) is the relaxation of the symmetric travelling salesman problem {STSP) used by Padberg & Rinaldi to develop a highly successful branch-and-cut algorithm for the STSP. ...
  • Shaw, V (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    The UNINET Academic and Research Network is a collaborative project among Universities, Research Councils and the FRD for the development, implementation and promotion of an academic and research network of computers ...
  • Sartori-Angus, AG; Neville, R (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    The PEST System is a totally interactive, forward chaining, rule-based expert system shell. It was primarily, though not exclusively, designed for the development of scientifically related expert systems in Pascal, involving ...
  • Kambanis, J (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    This paper describes a conceptual framework and an implementation medium for constructing multi-paradigm knowledge bases. The idea of a concept network is used as a basis for storing knowledge in different knowledge ...
  • Hazelhurst, SE (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    The dining philosophers problem and the evolving philosophers problems are abstractions of resource sharing problems in parallel and distributed systems. A Linda solution to the dining problem has already been shown; this ...
  • Greyling, JH; Warren, PR (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    The separation of an interactive program's application from its user interface is investigated. In order to support good human interaction, the interface requires a deep knowledge of the application. This is in direct ...
  • Du Plessis, JP; Messerschmidt, HJ (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    Programming in a procedural language such as Pascal usually involves the development of subprograms. An auto­matic programming system needs a systematic method to determine the placement (position) of a subprogram in a ...
  • Crossman, T.D. (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    This paper describes the inspection team process and explores its value to the application developer. The conclusion reached is that the technique does incur added development costs, but the whole process brings with it ...
  • Caduri, A; Kourie, D.G. (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    Visual simulators can play a key role in personnel training and the evaluation of engineering designs. Although commercially available simulators provide realistic 3D perspective images, they are priced in the million ...
  • Barth, G (South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists, 1991)
    Currently, there is a certain hype about issues related to neural networks. This is somewhat surprising since the origins of neural nets date back some 40 years. At that time, several researchers experimented with distributed ...