Le développement technologique est considéré comme le principal élément moteur du développement économique, non seulement dans les pays industriels avances, mais aussi dans les nouveaux pays industriels. La Corée, par ...
Cet article fait un survol du champ et de la pratique de Gestion du Savoir et éclaire tout ce qui constitue des perspectives régionales et nationales de gestion du Savoir.
Il met en exergue les implications politiques ...
Les accidents de la circulation routière font de nombreuses victimes chaque année dans le monde. Ils sont la 10eme cause de décès et la 9eme cause des invalidités dans le monde. On estime que les décès par accidents vont ...
A l'aube du 21ème siècle, le développement des nations est devenu, plus que jamais, tributaire de la connaissance, de l'information et du savoir-faire. Ainsi, malgré sa grande richesse en ressources naturelles, l'Afrique ...
La Conférence des ministres africains responsables du développement économique et social et de la planification a adopté, en avril 1996, la résolution 826 (XXXII) par laquelle les ministres ont crée de nouveaux organes ...
The concept has its origin in American sociology where it designates the parallel system of workers organizations and wage negotiations which developed alongside employers or workers unions in industrialized countries. In ...
The African Training and Research Centre for Women (ATRCW) of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has been implementing a project entitled "Increasing women's Productive Activities in the informal Sector and Agro-Industries ...
The mission was undertaken jointly with a representative of Development Information Services Division (DISD), Mr. Koffi Amelewonou, a Statistician, who covered data collection in the three ports of La Reunion, Mauritius, ...
La réunion du Groupe d'experts du Comité Femmes et Développement (CFD) s'est tenue du 5 au 7 novembre 2001 à Addis Abeba au Centre de Conférence des Nations Unies. Ont assisté à la réunion les représentants des pays membres ...
The growing concern in changes in container dimensions made it necessary for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) to convene the first global seminar in November 1989 on the impact of increasing dimensions ...
The African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) , which was established in 1985 in Cairo, Egypt, held its fifth session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (26-27 November 1993). The forth session was held in at UNEP ...
The problems, policies, issues and prospects by the year 2000 of Africa's basic industries are discussed within the context of the implementation of the Programme of the Second IDDA (1991-2000), now in its third year. The ...
The African Regional Coordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in Development (ARCC) held its fourteenth (14th) annual meeting at the Headquarters of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa, ...
The available research on violence against women1 concludes that this problem is a reality in African societies and families and that it is spreading. it is necessary to underline that research of the issue in African ...
The Commission on the Status of Women held its 37th session at the Vienna International Centre from 17-26 March 1993. Issues discussed on the priority themes of equality, development and peace included: increased awareness ...
In many countries, including some developed ones, freight forwarders are neither' defined nor regulated and therefore suffer from a lack of identity in their promotional and regulatory framework. In the absence of ...
The objective of this study is to inquire into the trends and prospects of foreign direct investment flows from Japan to Africa, with special reference to Ethiopia, as background input for policy formulation in the promotion ...
The Ad Hoc Experts Group Meeting on Curricula Reform for Development and Self- Confidence Building in Africa was organized by UNECA's Public Administration, Human Resources and Social Development Division in cooperation ...
The Regional Conference on Women and Peace is perhaps the first of its kind to be held in Africa since the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, ...