The first preparatory meeting for the Sixth African Regional Conference on Women for the mid-decade review of the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing Platforms For Action was held in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, from 26 to ...
Le CAF est la structure régionale d’intégration de la femme dans le développement du système des Nations Unies en Afrique. Partie intégrante de la CEA, il fonctionne au sein du cabinet du Secrétaire exécutif et tient son ...
The transport statistics yearbook for Africa is designed in such a way that it can provide information on the main features of the transport sector of each African country. Every effort has been made to develop the formats ...
This paper assesses the achievements of governments and United Nations agencies in the area of Women in Power and Decision Making, interviews and documentary surveys were carried out to establish the following: the amount ...
Series A, "Direction of Trade", contains trade data in thousand US dollars for African countries for which data were available to the Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). Access to commodity trade ...
The Governments of African countries represented by Ministers responsible for population matters at the third African Population Conference which met in Dakar,Senegal from 7 to 12 December 1992 on the theme "Population, ...
Preliminary data available at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa on the state of African national economies in 1994 point to a modest increase in the regional economic growth rate. We estimate that during ...
This document has been prepared for submission to the sixth Regional Conference which is responsible for the mid-term review of the implementation of the African Platform on Women which was adopted by the fifth Regional ...
The African Platform for Action is a synthesis of regional perspectives and priorities as well as a framework for action for the formulation of policies and implementation of concrete and sustainable programs for the ...
The case for the renewal is compelling. African countries are in the midst of multiple transitions — from state-dominated to free-market oriented economies,from autocracy to democracy and, in some cases, from conflict to ...
The report is not an official document of the Institutions constituting the Co-ordinating Committee, but rather a Conference working document. The opinions expressed therein are not necessarily those of OAU, ADB or ECAo.
La présente étude, initiée par l'Organisation pour l'amenagement et le developpement du Bassin de la riviere Kagera (O.B.K.), en accord avec l'Autorite de coordination du Transport de Transit du Corridor Nord (ACTT), vise ...
At the invitation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of The Gambia, a national policy seminar on “Improving the Role of African Women ...
La réunion de suivi de la mise en oeuvre des Plate formes d'action de Dakar et de Beijing pour les Sous-régions de l'Afrique de l'Est et de l'Afrique australe s'est tenue aux-Seychelles, ail fejaya Beach Resort Hotel, du ...
Le Secrétaire a parlé de la nécessité de coordonner les activités de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique dans le domaine de l'assistance technique en matière d'administration publique et il a réservé une mention spéciale ...
Ces relations vont donc se trouver conditionnées par les attributions respectives des services en présence face aux besoins et également dans une certaine mesure par leur structure, par leurs dimensions, par leur répartitions ...
Sustainable economic growth and social development constitute the primary goals of economic policy in Africa. It is expected that solid advances towards these goals will not only result in rising living standards across ...
This document focuses on the food gap in Egypt. This study examines the food gap problem in Egypt, explores its policy implications and provides some suggestions to redress it. The study focuses on the major food crops ...