Until recently, little empirical evidence existed to validate the common belief that Africa is the poorest continent in the world. The availability of household level information on living standards in some African countries ...
The study reviews the experiences of relatively successful Asian and
Latin American countries in promoting private sector development and identifies areas in which African countries can draw lessons and best practices for ...
ECA, through the African Centre for Women (ACW) was mandated to follow up and support implementation of the Dakar and Beijing Platforms for Action and report to the United Nations Secretariat. The Report by African Governments ...
The present annual report of the economic commission for Africa covers the period 6 May 2000 to 10 May 2001.it has been prepared in accordance with paragraph 18 of the commission's terms of reference and was adopted by the ...
L'Assemblée générale à sa dix-septième session, a adopté sa résolution
1785 (XVIl) dans laquelle elle fait sienne la décision prise par le Conseil économique et social (résolution 917 (XXXIV)) de convoquer une Conférence ...
This document contains The First Meeting of the Statistical Commission for Africa (STATCOM-AFRICA I).This report presents mechanisms put in place by major regional institutions in order to deal with the implementation of ...
This paper focused on the synthesis of the national progress reports on the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing platforms for action: Executive summary.
La mise en place et le renforcement des capacités est le moyen privilégié par lequel l’Afrique peut atteindre le développement. La raison essentielle de l’échec largement reconnu des efforts déployés pendant les deux ...
The present report aims to evaluate the progress made by African countries in implementing the recommendations on Women’s health, family planning and development. It identifies the constraints to women’s health priorities.
This paper focused on the ECA library brief guide for users. The ECA library was established to serve the research and information needs of the secretariat of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and participants ...
The conference was organized by the African Center for Women (ACW) which is spearheading the efforts of the ECA to assist its divisions as well as member States to mainstream a gender dimension, undertake gender analysis, ...
This document focuses on technical and policy papers, benefiting from papers and studies presented at two main events organized by the Commission during the biennium. The first chapter includes a summary of the outcome of ...
La Conférence régionale des ministres africains charges de l'aviation civile s'est tenue à Yamoussoukro (Cote d'Ivoire) les 13 et 14 novembre 1999. L'objet de la Conférence était d'examiner la situation de l'industrie de ...
La première réunion du Comité de la coopération et l'intégration régionales, crée par la résolution 827 (XXXII) de la Conférence des ministres de la CEA s'est tenue a Addis-Abeba (Ethiopie) du 27 au 29 avril 1999. La ...
La statistique peut être considérer comme l'outil privilégié qui permet à la science économique d'être le champ d'étude idéal pour comprendre les principaux problèmes et phénomènes de notre temps. L'analyse de l'ensemble ...
This paper focuses on the Co-coordinating Committee on African Statistical Development (CASD) carried out a full independent evaluation of the achievements, failures, constraints and
facilitating factors in meeting the ...
This paper focuses on assessment of the implementation of the 1993 system of national accounts in Africa. This paper undertakes a review on the development of the assessment methodology and also reports on the results of ...
This paper focuses on the ICT applications in African health care are in many instances characterized by islands of donor-supported projects that have little impact on the growing health crisis because they often prove too ...
This paper focuses on a global information society require a fundamental shift in thinking about the methodology of education. ICTs have already begun to exert massive transformation of education systems in developed ...