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Summaries of theses accepted by the University of South Africa in 1965

Show simple item record University of South Africa. Publications Committee
dc.contributor.editor Haffter, P. 2015-10-14T08:38:41Z 2015-10-14T08:38:41Z 1966 en
dc.description Unless otherwise stated, these summaries were written by the authors of theses in consultation with their supervisors, and the language medium is not necessarily that in which the theses were submitted.
dc.description Hierdie opsommings is deur die skrywers van die tesisse saamgestel in oorleg met hulle promoters en leiers, tensy anders vermeld. Die taalmedium van die opsommings is nie noodwendig dieselfde as dié waarin die tesisse voorgelê is nie.
dc.description Die Mededelings van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika verskyn van tyd tot tyd in die volgende reekse: A. Intreeredes B. Lesings en Simposia C. Navorsing deur Dosente en Studente D. Bibliografiese stukke
dc.description The Communications of the university of South Africa are published from time to time in the following series. A. Inaugural lectures B. Lectures and Symposia C. Research work by Professors, Lectures and Students D. Bibliographical matter
dc.description.abstract Text in English and Afrikaans
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (5 unnumbered pages, 108, 2 unnumbered pages)
dc.language English
dc.language Afrikaans
dc.language.iso en
dc.language.iso af
dc.publisher Pretoria : University of South Africa
dc.relation.ispartofseries Mededelings van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika
dc.subject.classification Dissertations, Academic
dc.subject.ddc 015.6822707
dc.subject.lcsh Dissertations, Academic -- South Africa -- Abstracts
dc.subject.lcsh University of South Africa -- Dissertations -- Abstracts
dc.title Summaries of theses accepted by the University of South Africa in 1965 en
dc.title.alternative Opsommings van tesisse aanvaar deur die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika in 1965
dc.type Book

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