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Teonome epistemologiese oorwegings by grondwetuitleg

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dc.contributor.advisor Van Wyk, C.W.
dc.contributor.advisor Botha, C.J. Theron, Antoine en 2015-01-23T04:24:20Z 2015-01-23T04:24:20Z 1996-11 en
dc.identifier.citation Theron, Antoine (1996) Teonome epistemologiese oorwegings by grondwetuitleg, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description.abstract This article considers the nature of interpretation as important question in constitutional interpretation from a theonomic epistemological perspective. Theonomic epistemology is summarily described. The modem language philosophy's view of the nature of interpretation is then investigated, after which a theonomic definition of interpretation and hermeneutics is suggested. Different approaches to interpretation commonly found in legal practice are evaluated on the basis of the suggested definition. The theonomic approach is then applied to another issue in constitutional interpretation, the nature of the judicial function, and broad guidelines are given for the practical application of theonomic epistemological considerations.
dc.description.abstract Hierdie artikel ondersoek die wese van interpretasie as belangrike vraagstuk by grondwetuitleg vanuit die perspektief van die teonome epistemologie. Die teonome epistemologie word oorsigtelik beskryf. Die modeme taalfilosofie se beskouing van interpretasie word dan behandel, waama 'n teonome definisie van interpretasie en hermeneutiek voorgestel word. Die verskillende uitlegbenaderings wat algemeen in die praktyk voorkom, word aan die hand van die voorgestelde definisie geevalueer. Vervolgens word die teonome benadering op 'n ander vraagstuk van grondwetuitleg - die aard van die regterlike funksie - toegepas, en word bree riglyne vir toepassing van teonome epistemologiese oorwegings in die praktyk van regspraak gegee.
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (51 leaves) en
dc.language Text in Afrikaans
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Constitutional interpretation
dc.subject Interpretation of statutes
dc.subject Epistemology
dc.subject Hermeneutics
dc.subject Judicial function
dc.subject Legislative intent
dc.subject Presuppositionalism
dc.subject Existentialism
dc.subject Logical positivism
dc.subject Sola Scriptura
dc.subject.ddc 340.112 en
dc.subject.lcsh Legal positivism en
dc.subject.lcsh Law and ethics en
dc.subject.lcsh Constitutional law en
dc.title Teonome epistemologiese oorwegings by grondwetuitleg en
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Department of Constitutional International and Indigenous Law LL.M. en

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