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Measuring reading strategy knowledge transfer: Motivation for teachers to implement reading strategy instruction

Show simple item record Klapwijk, Nanda van der Walt, C 2013-07-30T11:31:22Z 2013-07-30T11:31:22Z 2011
dc.description.abstract Although research has shm1·n that reading stwtegy instruction bene.fits poor reoders. research also sholl's that teachers continue to struggle with reading strategy instruc:tion and remain resistal1l lo ils implemel1lation for w1rious reasom. This article reports on the ww )'sis oj'quantitati1'e daw ll'hich fimned part C!l a larger, mixed-method stzuzv. The slw v. which sought to creale·wnework./(Jr reading strate,l.'Y instruction in Grades 4 to 6 through a predominam(v qualilatil'e fiJcus. used quantitative data to. among others, prm·ide evidence qf' whether slrategy knowledge 1rr:.111. !er is measurahle. This article provides e1•idence that strategy kno11'!edge /ransfer is measurahle ami can. therefbre, be used as motivation .fi:w teachers to implement reading strategy instruction in a sustainuble.f(ISizion. en
dc.language.iso en_US en
dc.publisher PerLinguam en
dc.subject Reading en
dc.subject Background en
dc.subject Methodology en
dc.subject Instruments en
dc.subject Participants en
dc.subject Data en
dc.title Measuring reading strategy knowledge transfer: Motivation for teachers to implement reading strategy instruction en
dc.type Article en
dc.description.department Linguistics and Modern Languages en

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