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Klasmusieksillabus vir onderwysersopleiding in die junior primêre fase : 'n eksemplariese analiese

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dc.contributor.advisor Grobler, Riekie Myburg, Hannah-Marie Magaretha 2015-01-23T04:23:56Z 2015-01-23T04:23:56Z 1994-11
dc.identifier.citation Myburg, Hannah-Marie Magaretha (1994) Klasmusieksillabus vir onderwysersopleiding in die junior primêre fase : 'n eksemplariese analiese, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description.abstract Hierdie studie handel oor die Klasmusiekopleiding van die Junior Primereonderwysstudent. Studente wat vir Junior Primere opleiding aan onderwyskolleges registreer, is verplig om opleiding in Klasmusiek vir een van die vier studiejare te deurloop. Navorsingsbevindinge toon egter dat die opleiding nie die gewenste resultate in die praktyk fewer nie. Om probleme en tekortkominge voortspruitend uit die opleiding te identifiseer is 'n literatuurstudie aan die hand van die volgende aspekte gedoen: (1) 'n Besinning oor die struktuur van die kurrikulum en formulering van kurrikulumkriteria vir die samestelling van 'n sillabus. (2) ldentifisering van die struktuur van musiek en van Klasmusiek. (3) Eksemplariese analise van sillabusse vir die Klasmusiekopleiding van die student ten einde bevindings en aanbevelings wat as riglyne vir herkurrikuleringsaksies in die toekoms mag dien, te formuleer. af
dc.description.abstract This study deals with the education of student teachers for Class Music in the Junior Primary phase. Students who enroll for a Junior Primary Course at Colleges of Education have to follow a compulsory course of at least one year in Class Music during their four year training. Research has indicated however that the training of these students does not bring about the desired results in practice. To identify problems and shortcomings stemming from the training in Class Music, a literature study was undertaken in which the following aspects were dealt with: (1) Consideration of the structure of the curriculum and the formulation of curriculum criteria for the compilation of a syllabus. (2) Identification of the structure of music and Class Music. (3) Analysis of examples of syllabuses for the training of students in Class Music to formulate findings and recommendations to serve as guidelines for curriculum review and restructing in future. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (viii, 120 leaves)
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Class music en
dc.subject Junior Primary student en
dc.subject Curriculum en
dc.subject Syllabus en
dc.subject Preprimary music en
dc.subject Junior Primary music en
dc.subject Teacher training en
dc.subject Music en
dc.subject Academic performance en
dc.subject Practice performance en
dc.subject.ddc 372.87043
dc.subject.lcsh School music -- Instruction and study en
dc.subject.lcsh Music -- Instruction and study en
dc.subject.lcsh Education en
dc.title Klasmusieksillabus vir onderwysersopleiding in die junior primêre fase : 'n eksemplariese analiese af
dc.title.alternative The class music syllabus for teacher training in the junior primary : an exemplary analysis en
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Educational Studies M. Ed. (Didactics)

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