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Die polisiedossierprivilegie : 'n huidige beskouing

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dc.contributor.advisor Terblanche, S. S. Jacobs, Hendrina Fransina en 2015-01-23T04:24:49Z 2015-01-23T04:24:49Z 1996-01 en
dc.description Summaries in English and Afrikaans
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract The first form of litigation in ancient times was by way of accusatorial process. Later on the inquisitorial process also gained acceptance, and although some countries use an accusatorial and others an inquisitorial system, the difference between them faded with time. Most countries like Namibia and South Africa, adopted a mixed system with both accusatorial and inquisitorial features in the systems. Statements of state witnesses were protected from disclosure since 1954, but since 1993 a multitude of applications for disclosure were made to the courts. Initially they were refused but subsequent decisions ordered either full disclosure or disclosure of summaries of the affidavits. The constitutional court terminated the uncertainty in 1995 when it ordered full disclosure of the statements. The international position is also not consistent at all. In some countries disclosure is almost non-existent, while in others there is full disclosure or at least partial disclosure.
dc.description.abstract Die eerste strafregstelsel wat in die antieke tydperk gevolg is, was 'n akkusatoriese proses. Die inkwisitoriese proses het later ook inslag gevind, en hoewel party lande 'n akkusatoriese en ander weer 'n inkwisitoriese stelsel volg, het die skerp onderskeid tussen hulle algaande verswak. Baie lande, soos Namibie en Suid-Afrika, het nou 'n gemengde strafregstelsel, met ander woorde daar is akkusatoriese sowel as inkwisitoriese eienskappe in die stelsel. Sedert 1954 was staatsgetuieverklarings beskerm teen blootlegging aan die verdediging, maar vanaf 1993 is verskeie aansoeke vir blootlegging gebring. Aanvanklik is die aansoeke geweier, maar latere sake het of volle blootlegging,of opsommings van die staatsgetuieverklarings gelas. In 1995 het die konstitusionele hof egter 'n einde gemaak aan die onsekerheid en gelas dat volle blootlegging moet geskied. Die internasionale posisie is ook geensins eenvormig nie. In sommige lande is daar feitlik geen blootlegging nie, terwyl ander weer volle of immers gedeeltelike blootlegging het.
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (iv, 41 leaves) en
dc.subject Accusatorial and inquisatorial systems
dc.subject Mixed system
dc.subject Privilege
dc.subject Exclusionary rules
dc.subject State witness affidavits
dc.subject Right of access to information
dc.subject Disclosure
dc.subject Summaries of affidavits
dc.subject International position
dc.subject.ddc 347.66068 en
dc.subject.lcsh Evidence (Law) -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Disclosure of information -- Law and legislation -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Privileges and immunities -- South Africa en
dc.title Die polisiedossierprivilegie : 'n huidige beskouing en
dc.title.alternative Police docket privilege : a current consideration
dc.description.department Law LL.M. en

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