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Ondersoekende joernalistiek en sosiale verandering : 'n ontleding en evaluering van die agendastellingsrol van Vrye Weekblad (1988-1993)

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dc.contributor.advisor Roelofse, J. J. Faure, Cornelia 2015-01-23T04:24:41Z 2015-01-23T04:24:41Z 1995-11
dc.identifier.citation Faure, Cornelia (1995) Ondersoekende joernalistiek en sosiale verandering : 'n ontleding en evaluering van die agendastellingsrol van Vrye Weekblad (1988-1993), University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract Die navorsingsonderwerp van hierdie proefskrif is ondersoekende joernalistiek en die moontlike of waarskynlike invloed wat die spesifieke joernalistieke praktyk op die proses van sosiale verandering kan uitoefen. Daar word van die aanname uitgegaan dat koerantberigte weens ondersoekende joernalistiek in sommige gevalle kan lei tot die bewusmaking van ongeregtighede en/of onregmatige dade in die samelewing en dat die joernalistieke praktyk 'n bydraende faktor of soms 'n katalisator tot optredes van owerhede en uiteindelik sosiale verandering kan wees. Om die aanname toe te lig, word eerstens gekyk na die betekenis van sosiale verandering. Antwoorde word onder meer gesoek op vrae soos: (i) Wat is sosiale verandering? en (ii) Wat is die invloed van die media op sosiale verandering? Tweedens word daar gekyk na wat ondersoekende joernalistiek behels en hoe dit verskil van veral die konvensionele joernalistieke praktyk. Derdens word 'n profiel van Vrye Weekblad gegee ten einde die koerant as gevallestudie te regverdig. Vierdens word 'n model vir die kwalitatiewe inhoudsontleding van voorbeelde van ondersoekende joernalistiek geformuleer. Vyfdens word die model empiries getoets op ondersoeke wat deur Vrye Weekblad gedoen is. Laastens word gepoog om die teoretiese perspektiewe oor sosiale verandering en die invloed van die media te versoen met die empiriese ontledings van die voorbeelde van ondersoekende joernalistiek in Vrye Weekblad. af
dc.description.abstract The research topic of this thesis is investigative journalism and the possible or probable influence that this specific journalistic practice may have on the process of social change. The study proceeds from the assumption that investigative newspaper reports can in some instances lead to an awareness of injustices and/or illegal actions in society. This form of journalistic practice could therefore be a contributing factor, and in some cases, a catalyst for government action and ultimately social change. To elaborate on this assumption, attention is firstly given to the meaning of social change. In this respect answers to the following questions are sought: (i) What is social change? and (ii) What is the influence of the media on social change? Secondly, attention is given to the characteristics of investigative journalism and how this practice differs from conventional journalism. Thirdly a profile of Vrye Weekblad is offered in order to justify the case study. Fourthly a model for the qualitative content analysis of instances of investigative journalism is formulated. Fifthly this model is tested empirically on investigations undertaken by Vrye Weekblad. Finally an attempt is made to reconcile the theoretical perspectives on social change and the influence of the media with the empirical analyses of investigative journalism in Vrye Weekblad. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (iii, 304 leaves) en
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject.ddc 302.23220968 en
dc.subject.lcsh Vrye Weekblad en
dc.subject.lcsh Press -- Influence en
dc.subject.lcsh Journalism -- Social aspects -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Social change -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Afrikaans newspapers -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Investigative reporting -- South Africa en
dc.title Ondersoekende joernalistiek en sosiale verandering : 'n ontleding en evaluering van die agendastellingsrol van Vrye Weekblad (1988-1993) af
dc.type Thesis
dc.description.department Communication Science D. Litt et Phil. (Kommunikasiekunde)

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