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Bewysreg in die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsreg

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dc.contributor.advisor Strydom, E. M. L. Van der Merwe, George Willem 2015-01-23T04:24:23Z 2015-01-23T04:24:23Z 1996-04
dc.identifier.citation Van der Merwe, George Willem (1996) Bewysreg in die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsreg, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Summaries in Afrikaans and English
dc.description Text in Afrikaans
dc.description.abstract In hierdie proefskrif word daar gekonsentreer op die bewyslas in die nywerheidshof omdat die nywerheidshof se benadering met betrekking tot die bewyslas verskil van geval tot gevaL afhangende van die aard van die regshulp waarvoor die party je die nywerheidshof nader. In die tweede plek volg 'n bespreking van hoe en deur wie die voorlegging van getuienis aan die nywerheidshof mag geskied, hetsy by wyse van dokumente of getuies en daarbenewens oak 'n bespreking van watter soort getuienis aan die nywerheidshof voorgele mag word met spesifieke verwysing na inter alia, klankopnames, videobande en die resultate van leuenverklikkertoetse. af
dc.description.abstract In this thesis there will be concentrated on the burden of proof in the industrial court because the industrial court's approach in regard to the burden of proof differs from case to case, depending on the nature of the legal aid for which the party /ies approaches the industrial court. In the second place a discussion will follow of how and by whom the presenting of evidence can be done, whether by documents or by witnesses, and in addition thereto also a discussion on which sort of evidence can be presented to the industrial court with specific reference to, inter alia, taperecordings, video tapes and the results of lie-detector tests. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (59 leaves)
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Onus of proof en
dc.subject Preponderance of probabilities en
dc.subject Urgent relief en
dc.subject Oral evidence en
dc.subject Expert witness en
dc.subject Unidentified witness en
dc.subject Hearsay evidence en
dc.subject Cross-examination en
dc.subject Credibility en
dc.subject Documentary evidence en
dc.subject Admissibility en
dc.subject Confessions en
dc.subject Instruments en
dc.subject Rules of caution en
dc.subject.ddc 347.64068
dc.subject.lcsh Evidence (Law) -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Labor laws and legislation -- South Africa en
dc.title Bewysreg in die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsreg af
dc.type Dissertation
dc.description.department Private Law LL.M. (Handelsreg)

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