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Verpolitisering van die onderwys : 'n histories-opvoedkundige ondersoek en evaluering

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dc.contributor.advisor Van Heerden, S.M. (Stephanus Marthinus), 1940- Niit, Henry Edgar en 2015-01-23T04:24:00Z 2015-01-23T04:24:00Z 1996-01
dc.identifier.citation Niit, Henry Edgar (1996) Verpolitisering van die onderwys : 'n histories-opvoedkundige ondersoek en evaluering, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> en
dc.description Summaries in Afrikaans and English
dc.description.abstract In hierdie proefskrif word die verband wat daar tussen politiek en onderwys bestaan vanuit 'n histories-pedagogiese oogpunt belig sodat daar tot grondige gevolgtrekkings gekom kan word ten opsigte van die onderwysbedeling in Suid-Afrika. Daar word aangedui dat politiek en onderwys vanaf die vroegste tye 'n vervlegting toon. Onderwys en politiek is mede-afhanklik van mekaar en het ook sekere verwagtings van mekaar. Onderwys en politiek is menslike skeppinge en as sodanig moet dit mekaar beYnvloed. In Suid-Afrika bet die onderwys vir n geruime tyd 'n krisis beleef. Sekere bevolkingsgroepe was nie tevrede met die onderwys wat bulle ontvang bet nie, terwyl ~n ander groep die onderwys doelbewus gemanipuleer bet tot voordeel van homself. Die gevolg hiervan was dat die onderwys in Suid-Afrika ernstig verpolitiseerd geraak bet en sodoende die onderwys nadelig beYnvloed bet. Om die Heropbou- en ontwikkelingsprogram van die suidAfrikaanse regering te laat slaag, is dit noodsaaklik dat daar 'n gesonde wisselwerking tussen die politiek en onderwys moet wees. Alle groepe behoort inspraak in die onderwysbelange te he en waar moontlik moet die kultuur van die betrokke groep in die onderwys eerbiedig word. Dit is egter noodsaaklik om te besef dat alle groepe deel vorm van 'n verenigde Suid-Afrika en dat die kinders onderrig moet word om tot hulle volle potensiaal te ontwikkel en tot voordeel van die staat. Die staat moet ook toesien dat onderwys ongehinderd aan al sy burgers verskaf word sonder dat party politieke belange op die voorgrond tree. af
dc.description.abstract In this study the relationship that exists between education and politics is highlighted from a historical-pedagogical point of view, so that conclusions can be made regarding a future educational system for South Africa. It has been shown that politics and education are closely linked. Education and politics are dependant on one another and have certain expectations of one another. Education and politics are created by man and as such must influence each other. Education in South Africa has for some time been in a crisis. Some population groups were not satisfied with the education they received, while another group manipulated education to its own advantage. The consequence of this was that education in South Africa became politicised. This has had a negative effect on education. For the Redevelopment Program to succeed it is necessary that there is a balance between politics and education in South Africa. Each population group must have a say in its own affairs and, where possible, each group's culture must be respected. It is, however, necessary to realize that all the population groups are part of a united South Africa and that all the children must be educated to the best of their abilities and to the advantage of the state. The state, however, must ensure that education can take place without hindrance to all its people and that no political party may use education to its own benefit. en
dc.format.extent 1 online resource (xx, 323 leaves)
dc.language.iso af
dc.subject Politics en
dc.subject Education en
dc.subject Crisis in education en
dc.subject Resistance in education en
dc.subject Development in South Africa education en
dc.subject Black education en
dc.subject White education en
dc.subject.ddc 370.193490968
dc.subject.lcsh Education -- Political aspects -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Education -- South Africa -- History en
dc.subject.lcsh Education and state -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Blacks -- Education -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Whites -- Education -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Education -- Political aspects -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Crisis in education en
dc.subject.lcsh Resistance in education en
dc.subject.lcsh Development in South Africa education en
dc.title Verpolitisering van die onderwys : 'n histories-opvoedkundige ondersoek en evaluering af
dc.title.alternative The politicizing of education : a historical educational research and evaluation en
dc.type Thesis
dc.description.department Educational Studies en D.Ed. (History of Education) en

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